Because of the global situation even such everyday thing as going to school isn’t possible for the students. They have to stay in their houses to prevent spreading covid-19 virus but they have found their way to solve the problem of missing school. Zuzanna, a student of class 1 says:

Thanks to the involvement of our dear teachers, access to the Internet and applications such as Skype, Edmodo and Librus we are still doing progress in our English skills. To tell the truth it isn’t easy. Sometimes we are tired of the obstacles associated with corporate communication that come our way but we are doing our best to move forward and to get better at vocabulary, grammar, writing and listening. We gather every week and we devote 100% of our attention to those lessons, which aren’t long but for sure are something that we are looking for through the day. We are going to still improve our English and we will be waiting with patience to the day when everything comes back to normality. 

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