Spanish Teachers in our school

Erasmus KA1 projects aim to improve the quality of work of educational institutions through the participation of their staff in mobility abroad, during which they improve their professional competences. Thanks to this program – implemented by a school in Spain – the Czesław Miłosz Secondary School in Jaworzno could host two teachers from the secondary school IES CAYETANO SEMPERE in Elche.
Débora Lerma Cantero and Mª de los Ángeles Martínez Alonso were welcomed at school on Monday with a cheerful „Buenos días” by a group of students dressed in the colors of the Spanish flag:

They also attended lessons in classroom 31

telling us about their school and Spanish students. Besides the lessons in the classroom, they also communicated with students who had to learn online at that time (class 1a):

It was a wonderful time od common cooperation and exchaniging experiences. we hope that it is the beginning of our future cooperation that once started thanks to an eTwinning project:)

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