American Corner – New Tradition

Students from classes 3AP and 3BP have visited American Corner. The place offers much for students:

„American Corner Katowice, Centre for American Culture and Information, is a joint undertaking run by the Public Affairs Section of the US Embassy and the University of Silesia in Katowice. American Corner provides access to up-to-date and reliable information about the USA by making available book collections, the Internet and databases in the USA eLibrary. In close cooperation with the US Embassy and Consulate, it also organizes a number of events such as public lectures and lectures, film screenings, workshops, meetings and exhibitions.”

Class 3BP attended presentations devoted to education in the USA and 3AP to the regions of the USA. Both classes had an opportunity to learn about Learn and Travel programme.

We hope it is just the beginning of another tradition of II LO – cooperation with this „piece of American land” in Poland.

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